Mekanikleşen Hayatta İnsan ve Özgürlük Sorunu_Humans and the Problem of Freedom in Mechanized Life by Sebile Başok

Author : Zafer Gündüz

Reviewed By : Sebile Başok

Book Reviews

Today’s world, which is intended to be understood by notions such as technology, hyperreality, age of artifcial intelligence, is attributed ‘new’ as a whole, compared to the industrial
revolution and described as a critical stage of transformation. In this sense, many important
developments and problems are also emerging. One of these is the issue of freedom. As a
matter of fact, in the universe surrounded by machines, mechanization is controversial in the
context of freedom for the human being who links the realization of the possibility of a better
and ideal life to the advance of the mechanism to control the multiplicity and transformation
in life and to dominate everything. In this direction, Diş, in her own philosophical style,
intends to discuss freedom in the world of machines by standing on factual grounds